So that’s FB fit round 3 completed today! And my first ever 1000 cal workout! Fb fit round 3 is definitely the most challenging program I’ve ever done, but I felt amazing and so accomplished after every week! My body took a beating but it’s toughened up, I’ve noticed that I can lift heavier than at the start and my endurance is better 💪
The 1000 calorie workout is a first too, I’d always felt intimated by them, but I actually ended up enjoying it, even though I was dripping in sweat, and I couldn’t lift as heavy as normal, I loved the the variety and it seemed to whizz by! I always love K and D working together too, I’ve usually a big grin on my face most of the way through, if I’m not groaning 😂 Anyway , wanted to share my achievements- feels good! Anyone else completed any programs or done a (challenging for you) workout that felt amazing ?
Woohoo - done ✅
So that’s FB fit round 3 completed today! And my first ever 1000 cal workout! Fb fit round 3 is definitely the most challenging program I’ve ever done, but I felt amazing and so accomplished after every week! My body took a beating but it’s toughened up, I’ve noticed that I can lift heavier than at the start and my endurance is better 💪
The 1000 calorie workout is a first too, I’d always felt intimated by them, but I actually ended up enjoying it, even though I was dripping in sweat, and I couldn’t lift as heavy as normal, I loved the the variety and it seemed to whizz by! I always love K and D working together too, I’ve usually a big grin on my face most of the way through, if I’m not groaning 😂 Anyway , wanted to share my achievements- feels good! Anyone else completed any programs or done a (challenging for you) workout that felt amazing ?