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New FB Plus Workout: 28 Min Strength and Cardio EMOMs Workout

Good morning FB Family!

I hope that you have been enjoying your week so far. Between training and filming it has been a busy (but fun) past couple of days for me. I have been reading all your comments and suggestions for future workouts – I love interacting with you and getting to know your personalities as well as including you in my workout brainstorm. What a cool community ☺️

We have another new workout for you guaranteed to elevate your heartrate:

Strength and Cardio EMOMs

EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) workouts are a form of high intensity interval training in which you compete against yourself in a race against the clock to complete a predetermined number of exercises and reps within a minute’s time. For this workout, most of your EMOMs include three exercises and your goal is to complete six reps of each exercise as quickly as safely possible during each one-minute interval. The one-minute intervals of work are back-to-back with no pre-determined rest period; therefore, you are responsible for earning your own recovery! Let’s say you finish your three exercises in 35 seconds. You would then have 25 seconds remaining within the minute for you to rest before the second round/minute begins. The write-up goes into much more detail so please give it a read before completing the workout!

My legs were particularly sore after filming this workout. The Static Stretching Workout for the Lower Body and Lower Back workout would be helpful to loosen up any tightness in the lower body if you experience extra soreness in your muscles like me. After taking a day off, I completed a 20-minute HIIT run to reap the benefits of pairing high intensity workouts with similar intensity runs (see Training Styles and Techniques to Increase Running Speed and Distance for more information on how your cross-training and running can supplement each other). I felt very prepared for my challenging run after this workout!

I still have a “bored easily” HIIT workout on the agenda to film, and I am wrapping up the supersets workout I mentioned last week – I can’t wait to share these with you! In the meanwhile, I am also working on my pushups and ramping up my running mileage to train for the 10k and half marathon distances. Anyone else training for anything?

Well, I hope you enjoy this workout and all the sweatiness it brings! Have fun and don’t hate me for the burpees.


p.s. this is the first workout filmed in my new space!