I recently completed the Couch to 5k program paired with FBFlex, so I didn't do much lower body weight lifting in the past 2 months. Just started FBAdventure on Monday and my hamstrings are so sore! So some advice -- if you're returning to weightlifting after a break, lift really light or even do bodyweight! Don't be like me and assume you can return to the same weights and then be super sore. Lol.
Anyone else have this oversight? I hope I'm not the only one!
Returning to weightlifting? Lift light!
I recently completed the Couch to 5k program paired with FBFlex, so I didn't do much lower body weight lifting in the past 2 months. Just started FBAdventure on Monday and my hamstrings are so sore! So some advice -- if you're returning to weightlifting after a break, lift really light or even do bodyweight! Don't be like me and assume you can return to the same weights and then be super sore. Lol.
Anyone else have this oversight? I hope I'm not the only one!