I just finished 8 week FB fit. Omg. I am so stoked!!!
I have attempted this multiple times since 2016, and never got around to finishing it. Closest was getting to week 3 maybe? This time, I was persistent! And respected when I needed days off. And happily chose the low impact mods when I needed it.
I feel accomplished. And I must say, I'd come to read the Blender community posts to motivate myself. So I owe a huge thanks to all of you for helping me get this far! Thank you!!
FB Fit 8 week r1
I just finished 8 week FB fit. Omg. I am so stoked!!!
I have attempted this multiple times since 2016, and never got around to finishing it. Closest was getting to week 3 maybe? This time, I was persistent! And respected when I needed days off. And happily chose the low impact mods when I needed it.
I feel accomplished. And I must say, I'd come to read the Blender community posts to motivate myself. So I owe a huge thanks to all of you for helping me get this far! Thank you!!
Onward and upwards!