I am so happy! The bouldering hall is opening indoors again this week. Wednesday is the first day they open up, but unfortunately I work wednesday-saturday, so sunday will be the first possibility for me. Keeping all fingers crossed that I can make a reservation for that day… We have a reservation for the outside wall this afternoon, hoping it will stay dry. It was a weird morning. I went for a walk with my friend (7.4 k total, making my monthly total 37 k/50) and it was sunny, it was raining, it was cloudy. The weather was all over the place, but it was nice. We walked at Heijplaat, a village built around the docks. It is a little community. The houses are gorgeous and the area is full of contrast: docks, quaraintainebuildings, a little beach, nature. It was lovely..
I did well with my snacking this week and my fruit intake. I went over my calorie allotment twice (or 3 times, but that one time was only by 29 calories), so doing pretty good.
I am not lifting heavy this week, because I am doing the fundamentals challenge. But, we can go bouldering more often, so I will train my strength on the wall..
week 19 goal evaluation / monday walk
I am so happy! The bouldering hall is opening indoors again this week. Wednesday is the first day they open up, but unfortunately I work wednesday-saturday, so sunday will be the first possibility for me. Keeping all fingers crossed that I can make a reservation for that day… We have a reservation for the outside wall this afternoon, hoping it will stay dry. It was a weird morning. I went for a walk with my friend (7.4 k total, making my monthly total 37 k/50) and it was sunny, it was raining, it was cloudy. The weather was all over the place, but it was nice. We walked at Heijplaat, a village built around the docks. It is a little community. The houses are gorgeous and the area is full of contrast: docks, quaraintainebuildings, a little beach, nature. It was lovely..
I did well with my snacking this week and my fruit intake. I went over my calorie allotment twice (or 3 times, but that one time was only by 29 calories), so doing pretty good.
I am not lifting heavy this week, because I am doing the fundamentals challenge. But, we can go bouldering more often, so I will train my strength on the wall..
How was your week?