Feeling [awful]

So.. a few weeks ago I had a stroke caused by the AstraZeneca vaccination.

I had brain surgery and was in the hospital for a few weeks. My left side is paralyzed. I'm now in a rehab facility. I'm walking with a cane. My arm abs hand still won't work. I lost 12 kilo, so I know I lost a lot of muscles that I worked so hard for. It's going to be a very long time before I can do strength training again and it's so depressing the entire ordeal happening is so depressing. Hopefully my fitness history will help with the recovery. Although it's the brain that's damaged of course.

It's so difficult to go from bring so active to barely being able to walk. I figured Keli could relate to this. And maybe some others here in the community. I could use all the support possible. Nmkibd and encouraging words are welcome. My mental health is down the drain too.
