My February & March side by side

Hello FB Family!

I wanted to show you the difference between my February and March.

Last month I was struggling with motivation and feeling overwhelmed. This month, I finished a blend of 2 FB Plus Challenges (2 week FBBooty & FBFlex), I filmed new workout videos and did a lot of yard work. We chopped & moved the wood from some massive dangerous/dead trees, started prepping the garden (which is a lot bigger this year), planted over a dozen fruit trees, 6 blueberry bushes and some raspberry canes. Lots of activity, lots of physical work and I’ve definitely had to eat a lot more to keep up with the energy output!

I felt strong a lot of this month and I’m excited to continue to build my strength. I spent a lot time with sore muscles in March, unlike the previous month which involved a lot less intensity, duration and frequency of workouts.

To be clear about the variance in these two months - I fluctuate back and forth like this all the time. We aren't meant to be training at 100% all of the time - even professional athletes have entire seasons of rest or scaled back activity. Overtraining and not making time for rest periods is not safe, ideal, or the best way to get results. Yes, working out and physical activity are oh-so important for a healthy mind and body. But so is rest.

In April we’re starting to work on building a tiny cabin in the woods. I’m really excited. So again I will be balancing my fundamentals (my boring but important physical therapy routines; which are generally labeled under Pilates onsite), with strategically placed, structured workouts for work/filming. I'll also save a few workouts for myself, in private - away from the camera, to continue to both increase strength and to re-familiarize myself with my own body - something that is very difficult to do in front of the camera because I’m so engaged and not as in-touch with my own body signals when filming.

Anyway now that I've told you my life story - how has your month been?? Are you staying active? Eating to nourish your body? Drinking enough water and treating yourself to rest days and downtime? If you wanna show off your workout calendar, please do! Remember: it ALL counts, any activity is almost always going to be better than none, and maybe most importantly: these things fluctuate. Allow yourself the room to do the best that you can with where you’re at.

Take care FB Family! See you tomorrow morning to publish the new FB Abs Challenge - which may or may not have a surprise around it 😉

