Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

working out in the morning challenge

I have never been a morning person- it's still something I have to get in the habit of because of work, but over the past year or so I've been getting up an hour earlier in the morning and having a cup of coffee and watching the sun come up. It's my "zen" time and I couldn't live without it now. However I still can't bring myself to workout in the mornings regularly- it feels way too extreme and like I can't really push myself hard enough because I'm sleepy and my muscles feel weaker.

But... this weekend I decided to do an experiment where I worked out as soon as I got up around 7-8am. The idea was just to "get it out of the way". Yes, it was kind of a feeling of dread and "I don't wanna" that I had to get over, but once I got into the workout, that feeling went away and I actually pushed myself really hard! Once I got the workout complete and took a shower, I felt so alive and ready to tackle my day. I got SO MUCH done around my house, I don't think I've ever been that productive before noon! It was really unexpected.

So I would challenge all the evening workout peeps to try a morning workout just one day this week and see how you feel. I was really surprised.

Regular morning blenders- how do you fit this into a work schedule? I would have to get up at 5:00 am which feels really extreme... any tips for integrating A.M workouts into your lifestyle with work?