I completed my workout for today. It was a Upper Body Workout for Coordination and Control - Isolated Functional Strength Workout with Daniel and my arms are feeling it after the workout. I thinking that I should have not lift as heavy of a weight on the left side of my body, because my left arms is not as strong as my right arms is. So I guess you can say that I think I tortured my left arm a little too much with the weight lifting in today's workout. Moving on to school I had a lot of work to do at school today that it was a lot of work and I managed to get all of it done for today. But I tend to have a lot more work to do at school then when I'm at home because sometimes, they don't give us as much work to do online compare to when we're actually at school. Because when the students are at school the teachers give the students more work to do then when they are at home. I think that they just want to make it easier on the students at home that don't have a lot of things around the house that they can use. It's kinda a nice way for the students to still be able to learn just not use a lot of equipment around the house that they use at school instead. I even think that it's nice when my teachers don't give my group as much work to do in class compare to when we're in class.
FB Complete - Day 23 - Upper Body
I completed my workout for today. It was a Upper Body Workout for Coordination and Control - Isolated Functional Strength Workout with Daniel and my arms are feeling it after the workout. I thinking that I should have not lift as heavy of a weight on the left side of my body, because my left arms is not as strong as my right arms is. So I guess you can say that I think I tortured my left arm a little too much with the weight lifting in today's workout. Moving on to school I had a lot of work to do at school today that it was a lot of work and I managed to get all of it done for today. But I tend to have a lot more work to do at school then when I'm at home because sometimes, they don't give us as much work to do online compare to when we're actually at school. Because when the students are at school the teachers give the students more work to do then when they are at home. I think that they just want to make it easier on the students at home that don't have a lot of things around the house that they can use. It's kinda a nice way for the students to still be able to learn just not use a lot of equipment around the house that they use at school instead. I even think that it's nice when my teachers don't give my group as much work to do in class compare to when we're in class.