HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group March 8th

Hello Blender friends! It is a beautiful sunny morning in my part of the world, and I am getting ready to do some light stretching and toning from the Foundations program. My programmed workout is upper body strength, but my shoulders and arms are still a bit sore, so I will respect the spirit rather than the letter of the program today.

This forum tends to be full of women, and of people who get along pretty well with women (Hi Allen 😆), so I'm going to go ahead and mention that today is International Women's Day, and that it's a wonderful day to support and to celebrate women. I think we can probably all think of at least one woman we admire, and today I am bringing you a quote from Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, a mathematician and computer pioneer who made the first compiler and pioneered the idea of computer languages:

I handed my passport to the immigration officer, and he looked at it and looked at me and said, "What are you?" (Grace Hopper)

I like to imagine he was sincerely intrigued! So. Don't be afraid to be who and what you are, and if people don't recognize your particular brand of greatness right away, don't let that stop you from getting on with it!

As always, I want to remind all blenders that everyone is always welcome. We're happy to hear from you, and we're also happy to be a positive encouraging space for you to spend a few minutes in silence, if that's what you want to do today.
