Longer Level 1 Cardio Workout for Those Terrible, Horrible, No-good Days?

Hello FB Community and team!

Hope you’re all having a good Thursday so far - there has been a lot of weird and wacky weather in the news this week so I hope everyone is staying safe.

I am writing to express interest in the development of a longer Level 1 cardio workout akin to the following 10 minute gem:


While I’ve been starting to build back my fitness level and endurance (Hooray!), I still have some really bad days/weeks when I regress significantly due to flare-ups in ongoing health issues. I also have a surgery coming up next month that will require a long recovery period so I am thinking ahead a bit!

I have found the above workout to be an absolute life saver when my fitness dips and I can’t get out for a short walk and need a bit of good, non-floor, non-impact cardio. A video like the one above, with 15 - 20 minutes of these simple types of cardio with a five or ten minute cool down stretch would be awesome, if others are interested.

Thanks for reading/listening. Happy rest of day, hope everyone finds some joy in an unexpected place 😊