Avoiding Burn Out

Hi FB!

To make a long story short, I'm in the middle of taking a week long break because I hit things pretty hard for 6 weeks and realized I wasn't enjoying working out anymore. It might seem like a short time for some, but I came off months and months of 0 workouts.

Anyway, thinking about Monday and getting out of this slump, I'm wondering if there are people on here who do FB less than 5 days a week? What do you do besides FB? It's winter here and currently in the middle of a polar vortex. I plan on incorporating 3 mile walks when it gets above freezing 🥶

Also, do you struggle with comparing yourself to others and how do you work through that? That's something I struggle with.

Also to note, my goals right now are to get into a routine and maybe slightly more fit before we try for baby #2 in June. Hoping if I build a good routine for several months before getting pregnant, it will be easier to keep it up (in whatever form I can) while pregnant. I also have to stop my arthritis meds about a month before TTC so that will reduce the kinda of workouts I can do.

I just feel like I'm already burnt out and maybe I went too crazy into workouts and clean eating at the start. I also feel like I'm being whiny and should just suck it up and workout everyday. Blah.