My motivation was suffering horribly trying to follow an FB program lately. Even scheduling my own FB workout didn't work. So I decided to combine another app with Fb for stretching. That way I still get to hear " Workout Complete" and get a check mark on my calendar. After the current program finishes I hope to go back to pure FB. (6 years in, I am a lifer). This is working for me and is better than not doing anything, so I think K & D would approve.
Combining FB and other program
My motivation was suffering horribly trying to follow an FB program lately. Even scheduling my own FB workout didn't work. So I decided to combine another app with Fb for stretching. That way I still get to hear " Workout Complete" and get a check mark on my calendar. After the current program finishes I hope to go back to pure FB. (6 years in, I am a lifer). This is working for me and is better than not doing anything, so I think K & D would approve.