Hip Flexor pain

So it’s officially been a week since my last workout because I was in so much pain in my hip flexor. I thought by modifying and doing extra stretching that it would work itself out but it did not. It was just getting more painful to the point of constant pain. I got some therapy bands and searched here for other people’s experiences. I did stretching and exercises to strengthen the area and although the pain has subsided, it still seems very tender.

I’m supposed to be finishing up my last week of the new FB Complete program, but any lower body workouts seem intimidating. I read in another post that the quickest way to heal is to rest it. I was really hoping that by a week later it would be back to normal. It’s not hurting unless I try to rotate the knee out too far, but after doing some light exercises with the band last night I did feel some pain.

Should I press on and try to modify lower body workouts? Only doing what doesn’t hurt? Or focus on upper and core for awhile? Or on the other hand, should I continue with rest/stretch/light strengthening exercises?

Any feedback is welcome!