Whew! My work place is in dire straits with over 90 people out sick, and I caught one of the 4-5 germs/ viruses we have going around at the moment. Bad timing... sore throat, some cough and just general weakness had me stop FB30 for 11 days now. But the way it is, I'm simply happy it wasn't a full blown flu.
Slowly getting back into it
Whew! My work place is in dire straits with over 90 people out sick, and I caught one of the 4-5 germs/ viruses we have going around at the moment. Bad timing... sore throat, some cough and just general weakness had me stop FB30 for 11 days now. But the way it is, I'm simply happy it wasn't a full blown flu.
I've been doing stretching for the past two days (my very favourite: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/3-day-flexibility-challenge-day-3-static-stretches-for-flexibility-and-range-of-motion) and am looking into some light recovery cardio for the weekend. Hopefully I can finish the last leg of the programme starting sometime next week!
In the meantime, it's been lovely reading everyone else's check-ins and discussions. Keep going strong, guys