Posted in: Workouts / Workout Programs

Intimidated by longer workouts

I've been doing FB programs on and off since May and love them. Completed Bored Easily, completed Abs2, had to quite FB30 early because of back issues, then got a better office chair to fix back issues but I'm redoing Abs2 for extra core stability to protect my back anyway.

I love the workout plans with shorter average times. I'm okay with doing 35-40min workouts especially when they are broken up over a few videos so it looks less intimidating.

I would love to move up to programs with longer average time (like Sweat or Fit) but haven't done many of the longer (50min) workouts. I bought Blend as a way to try to transition so might try that next (but also might try to redo FB30).

1. Did anyone see better results when doing programs with longer workouts? Or is it consistency that seems to matter more? (That's my other pitfall... takes me more like 6 weeks to finish a 4 week program because I'm taking extra rest days to do yoga or dance fitness or just being lazy.)

2. Do you find that the longer workouts are lower intensity? Not sure if I can sustain the effort of a 30min lvl4 workout that has me dying for an extra 20mins!

3. How do you motivate yourself or find time for the longer workouts? Shorter ones are easy for me to justify because I can think "oh, it's only half an hour."

Thing is, now, with isolation and WFH and no social life, I have probably the most time I will ever have to work out. If I'm ever going to get into the groove of longer workouts it'll be now.