Well, I have been feeling 🤒 the last few days. My breathing has been 🥴, and my head feels pressurized.
I did take 2 extra rest days (okay, active rest), but decided today that I needed to get that scheduled workout done!
I tackled that 40-minute routine (incorporating some low-impact modifications), and felt like I may pass out. 😬
But, guess what?
I am feeling a tad better after having completed that beast! 🥵
While I am feeling better, Brindle is not. She sustained a bonk to the head. I was in plank, ready to do cobra pose, and she went behind my legs. Whoops. 😿 Perhaps she will forgive me after Purple thing.
On a side note, it has been raining! Praise the Lord. 😁
Bodyweight Day 22
Well, I have been feeling 🤒 the last few days. My breathing has been 🥴, and my head feels pressurized.
I did take 2 extra rest days (okay, active rest), but decided today that I needed to get that scheduled workout done!
I tackled that 40-minute routine (incorporating some low-impact modifications), and felt like I may pass out. 😬
But, guess what?
I am feeling a tad better after having completed that beast! 🥵
While I am feeling better, Brindle is not. She sustained a bonk to the head. I was in plank, ready to do cobra pose, and she went behind my legs. Whoops. 😿 Perhaps she will forgive me after Purple thing.
On a side note, it has been raining! Praise the Lord. 😁
How can I pray for you? 💕