Challenge Myself : WO5 "Enigmatic Gamble" (aka "Why do I do this ?")
Hi everyone ! Hope you're all doing well.
Why did I do this ? I said several times this week that this workout would be brutal. And brutal it was indeed. Not gonna lie to you, today's workout was painful. In a good sense, sort of. Today's what all about being pushed way over the limit, being so tired that it wouldn't be a physical challenge anymore but a mental one. And way over the limit did I push myself and it will sound crazy to most of you. It was fun (kinda) and brutal (really), but long, very long and bad luck came testing my motivation.
Today's song : Metalingus by Alter Bridge (Ok, not what I chose before hand, but I need some energy right now)
Main : I've selected a lot (and I mean a lot, as many as I've spent years on earth) of challenging exercises and wrote them on pieces of paper. For each, during the workout, I threw 5d6 dice giving me the number of repetition then picked randomly the exercise, did it and threw the dice for the next one, and so on. So I've begun the workout knowing roughly which exercises I will do, but not when or how many rep before having to do them. To bump the challenge even more, I challenged myself to do the hardest version I could and as fast I could. I'll post the long list of exercises in the comments below in the order I did them and with the number of rep.
Knowing the challenge that waited for me, and after a day sitting at my desk, I started with a long warm up to give my muscle all the time they needed to get ready for what was ahead. The best part was the cooldown, because it meant it was over. :D
I feel exhausted. Gave it my all. I'm empty, defeated. Tomorrow, after a good night I will be proud, but for the moment I'm just done. My whole body is sore. It will take days to recover. I'm already thinking to change the order of next week workout. I'm also mentally exhausted. It has been so hard to stay focus on the form. I'm tired.
I wanted to be pushed over my limits, both physically and mentally, that's exactly what I got. I completed the workout, but it demanded me everything I had to offer.
Nonetheless, it's still a super fun approach to working out. It keeps you guessing what is about to fall on your head and take nothing for granted. As crazy as it might sound, I'll surely repeat the experience, of course on a smaller scale (I don't want to die :D), for example in a burnout round or something like that with a couple of exercises.
Hardest workout I have ever done, hands down, no comparison.
Like the great philosopher Jackie Chan once said "Don't worry. I'm not crazy, I just do crazy things." :D But it's still crazy.
Challenge Myself : WO5 "Enigmatic Gamble" (aka "Why do I do this ?")
Hi everyone ! Hope you're all doing well.
Why did I do this ? I said several times this week that this workout would be brutal. And brutal it was indeed. Not gonna lie to you, today's workout was painful. In a good sense, sort of. Today's what all about being pushed way over the limit, being so tired that it wouldn't be a physical challenge anymore but a mental one. And way over the limit did I push myself and it will sound crazy to most of you. It was fun (kinda) and brutal (really), but long, very long and bad luck came testing my motivation.
Today's song : Metalingus by Alter Bridge (Ok, not what I chose before hand, but I need some energy right now)
WU : (twice)
Main : I've selected a lot (and I mean a lot, as many as I've spent years on earth) of challenging exercises and wrote them on pieces of paper. For each, during the workout, I threw 5d6 dice giving me the number of repetition then picked randomly the exercise, did it and threw the dice for the next one, and so on. So I've begun the workout knowing roughly which exercises I will do, but not when or how many rep before having to do them. To bump the challenge even more, I challenged myself to do the hardest version I could and as fast I could. I'll post the long list of exercises in the comments below in the order I did them and with the number of rep.
CD :
Knowing the challenge that waited for me, and after a day sitting at my desk, I started with a long warm up to give my muscle all the time they needed to get ready for what was ahead. The best part was the cooldown, because it meant it was over. :D
I feel exhausted. Gave it my all. I'm empty, defeated. Tomorrow, after a good night I will be proud, but for the moment I'm just done. My whole body is sore. It will take days to recover. I'm already thinking to change the order of next week workout. I'm also mentally exhausted. It has been so hard to stay focus on the form. I'm tired.
I wanted to be pushed over my limits, both physically and mentally, that's exactly what I got. I completed the workout, but it demanded me everything I had to offer.
Nonetheless, it's still a super fun approach to working out. It keeps you guessing what is about to fall on your head and take nothing for granted. As crazy as it might sound, I'll surely repeat the experience, of course on a smaller scale (I don't want to die :D), for example in a burnout round or something like that with a couple of exercises.
Hardest workout I have ever done, hands down, no comparison.
Like the great philosopher Jackie Chan once said "Don't worry. I'm not crazy, I just do crazy things." :D But it's still crazy.
(No overall today, I'm tired)
Have a nice day/night !