1000 calorie AND Pumpkin Spice

WHAT A DAY! Remus and I stopped by Dunkin’ today and he got a pup cup while I got my first official DD pumpkin spice coffee this season! 2020 has been A YEAR YA’LL, so starting fall early is 100% the best! 🎃 🍁

I also did the most recent 1000 calorie workout and it kicked my butt! I absolutely loved it! The HIIT portion was HARD, but it flew by! I loved the structure of the workouts overall - there wasn’t so much repetition that I felt like it dragged on, instead it was fast and fun!

We ended the day with obedience class, and Remus did great! After his class, I came home and refueled with cottage cheese, ham, and spinach, topped with some sriracha because I’m addicted 😂😂 I didn’t know until the FB Meal Plan that I love cottage cheese! And mannnnn do I love it!

**attached is a picture of Remus making the face of how *I* felt after the 1000 calorie workout 😂😳