What's your favourite FB 'catchphrase'.. and, do Kelli and Daniel have special 'powers'!!?

Hello all and happy Saturday to you!

Couple of questions just for fun...

1) What is your favourite FB catchphrase? Mine is when Daniel says 'standing up nice and straight and tall'! always makes me smile (and stand up nice and straight and tall!!)

2) I press ganged the Husband into working out with me today and we both realised just as Kelli said 'make sure you are not holding your breath'.. that we were both doing exactly that. Thinking about it that happens to me all the time! Kelli or Daniel will give a note on form or posture and it's exactly when I need it!

Is this just me! maybe they do have special 'powers'!? in addition to being the best trainers we could ask for...
