HKS (Healthy, Kind, Support) Accountibility Group August 7th
Hello Everyone!
I hope you all are doing well and doing what you can to stay safe. I uh I don't really have anything to say today. No story, no little blurb nothing. Sorry about that. I'm trying I really am but I just am not that good at coming with cool or interesting things to say for the thread. I don't know how the rest of you do it. I really want the thread to be interesting and entertaining for you guys but I always run out of ideas. If that bothers some of you I apologize but I really am trying.
Anyway, the quote of the day: "It doesn't matter how slowly you go in life, as long as you don't stop and give up." Also, to add on to this quote, "Do your's literally all you can do." Do you guys agree with this? Personally, I do. I'm a pretty slow person myself and it always takes me a while to do or learn things compared to everybody else. The only unfortunate thing is that certain things have a time limit for a lot of things and sometimes your best just isn't enough but is that something to be upset about? You literally did everything you could and it still wasn't enough. If anything I say you should still be proud because doing your best is better than doing nothing or doing less than what you actually could do. I remember back in high school I played instrument in band for all four years. I played trumpet and French horn. I was one of thise people who took a good while before "mastering" and becoming good at certain skills depending what they were. Some things I could get right away and others took me a good while. I mean a GOOD while. If we had to perform a piece in two weeks and we onky had two weeks to "perfect" that piece I never got everything down in two weeks. There were so many things I still struggled with and it never took me until weeks after the performance where I finally managed to get the skills down. I just could never learn them within the time limit but I still put all my efforts and did my absolute best to play my part as well as I could but I still got backlash for it from some of the other band members especially the other French horn player next to me and even my band teachers. Back then I felt really bad about it. Now when I think back to it I don't feel bad at all because I'm a lot stronger and know so much more. I put in my absolute best and that's really all I could've done. So I'm proud of past me for doing that regardless of what people said. Each day I made really slow progress and got better each time but I was still making progress and improving. That's something to remember whenever we go do something. This is also advice I'm getting a lot more from adults I don't even know too who are kind enough to help me out for my future GOD willing. It doesn't matter how slow the progress you're making as long as you don't give up and do your absolute best you'll be okay.
Well that was a lot and hopefully this encourages you guys. Feel free to share your stories too if you want.
HIIT! Pilates! Cardio! Strength training! Bodyweight! Core! Lower body! Upper body! Total body! Stretching! Mixture of any! What are you doing today? I had to reschdule again but I'm not giving up. The workoutcomplete is coming don't worry. I have been stretching though so I'm still moving. 😂 I'm not upset that I have to reschedule ajd no one should either but it's just taking a bit for me to get used to because I'm not used to rescheduling workouts let alone this much. I'll get there eventually.
How about food? What are you guys eating today? Feel free to share pictures!
HKS (Healthy, Kind, Support) Accountibility Group August 7th
Hello Everyone!
I hope you all are doing well and doing what you can to stay safe. I uh I don't really have anything to say today. No story, no little blurb nothing. Sorry about that. I'm trying I really am but I just am not that good at coming with cool or interesting things to say for the thread. I don't know how the rest of you do it. I really want the thread to be interesting and entertaining for you guys but I always run out of ideas. If that bothers some of you I apologize but I really am trying.
Anyway, the quote of the day: "It doesn't matter how slowly you go in life, as long as you don't stop and give up." Also, to add on to this quote, "Do your's literally all you can do." Do you guys agree with this? Personally, I do. I'm a pretty slow person myself and it always takes me a while to do or learn things compared to everybody else. The only unfortunate thing is that certain things have a time limit for a lot of things and sometimes your best just isn't enough but is that something to be upset about? You literally did everything you could and it still wasn't enough. If anything I say you should still be proud because doing your best is better than doing nothing or doing less than what you actually could do. I remember back in high school I played instrument in band for all four years. I played trumpet and French horn. I was one of thise people who took a good while before "mastering" and becoming good at certain skills depending what they were. Some things I could get right away and others took me a good while. I mean a GOOD while. If we had to perform a piece in two weeks and we onky had two weeks to "perfect" that piece I never got everything down in two weeks. There were so many things I still struggled with and it never took me until weeks after the performance where I finally managed to get the skills down. I just could never learn them within the time limit but I still put all my efforts and did my absolute best to play my part as well as I could but I still got backlash for it from some of the other band members especially the other French horn player next to me and even my band teachers. Back then I felt really bad about it. Now when I think back to it I don't feel bad at all because I'm a lot stronger and know so much more. I put in my absolute best and that's really all I could've done. So I'm proud of past me for doing that regardless of what people said. Each day I made really slow progress and got better each time but I was still making progress and improving. That's something to remember whenever we go do something. This is also advice I'm getting a lot more from adults I don't even know too who are kind enough to help me out for my future GOD willing. It doesn't matter how slow the progress you're making as long as you don't give up and do your absolute best you'll be okay.
Well that was a lot and hopefully this encourages you guys. Feel free to share your stories too if you want.
HIIT! Pilates! Cardio! Strength training! Bodyweight! Core! Lower body! Upper body! Total body! Stretching! Mixture of any! What are you doing today? I had to reschdule again but I'm not giving up. The workoutcomplete is coming don't worry. I have been stretching though so I'm still moving. 😂 I'm not upset that I have to reschedule ajd no one should either but it's just taking a bit for me to get used to because I'm not used to rescheduling workouts let alone this much. I'll get there eventually.
How about food? What are you guys eating today? Feel free to share pictures!
Well that's it for me. Have a Blessed day guys!