FB Plus Beginner Challenge Complete

On Saturday me and my boyfriend finished the beginner challenge. On a previous post I explained how we'd just moved in together and he was coming from a place of little exercise so I chose the challenge to get him started, plus give me some more gentle workouts after going (maybe a bit too) intense for a while.

Anyway, I'm so proud of him because he showed up every single day! At the beginning he would say things like 'is it ok if I do this version?', or 'Rachel, I can't keep up with you'. I kept saying to him, 'Jake, you're doing great, do the version you want to do' etc. By the end of the 2 weeks, that had changed to things like 'I'm going to do this version, but Daniel/Kelli said its better than pushing too hard'. THIS IS WHY I LOVE FITNESS BLENDER!!! He's no longer scared of working out because he knows he can modify to what he needs and doesn't feel pressure to go so hard that he may end up hurting himself or hating exercise.

He's also discovered that he really likes pilates because of the 'slow burn' you get, which is great. We're still deciding what to do next, but I'm thinking maybe Low Impact 2, which I already bought a while ago but haven't done yet.

Hope everyone else is well :)