FB Abs - Round 2 - Day 13 - Recovery Day

I completed my workout for today. It was a recovery workout with Kellie and it felt so nice to have a recovery workout, because I needed a recovery workout so bad after the 2 lower body workouts I had the one day. Because the same day and very next day or 2 days my legs started to feel it right away, from the workouts that I had to do in just one day. We went on a walk again but this time we walked a different way than we did 2 days ago, then after the workout I cleaned the Alpaca pen, then I emptied out buckets of weeds for my mom, and then I did the violin. This afternoon I busy taking care of the animals for the night and also picking the fruits and the vegetables, because they needed to be picked especially the vegetables. So other than that it was another busy day for me around the house and, because of how busy I was around the house I didn't have time to play at all sadly but I'll be able to hopefully play tomorrow.