I completed my workout for today. It was a core intensive workout with both Kellie and Daniel and it was hard to do, because my abs were having a tough time with some of the exercises that I had to do. But sometimes it's like that when we have to go and do a workout that we don't like or it's not our favorite one, we have to get it done and over with so our body can relax after the fact. This morning I finally got my braces off and I am so happy that I finally got them off, because now I won't have worry about wearing them anymore. So now I have to wear retainers for 2 months for 24 hours then hopefully after that I will only have to wear them at night and not during the day. They feel really weird on my teeth so it is something that will take me a long time to get used to it, but when my mouth gets used to having them in for a long then I won't even know that they're there. We thought that we was going to be there all morning but it turned out that it didn't take them all morning to do it, and we liked that a lot that it didn't take them as long to do it. So I will be constantly taking them on and off when I go to eat or brushing my teeth and I also will have to brush my retainers too. But other than that the rest of the day went just the way it went kinda of like yesterday for the afternoon and I was so glad to be able to take a nap. Because I thought I wasn't going to be able to take a nap at all for today and that I was going to be skipping it for the long appointment for them working on my teeth. I also just both me two new workout tops and a new pair of workout shorts, because I got three Amazon cards from all my ortho bucks and I won a brand new water bottle too from getting my braces off.
FB Abs - Round 2 - Day 12 - Core Intensive
I completed my workout for today. It was a core intensive workout with both Kellie and Daniel and it was hard to do, because my abs were having a tough time with some of the exercises that I had to do. But sometimes it's like that when we have to go and do a workout that we don't like or it's not our favorite one, we have to get it done and over with so our body can relax after the fact. This morning I finally got my braces off and I am so happy that I finally got them off, because now I won't have worry about wearing them anymore. So now I have to wear retainers for 2 months for 24 hours then hopefully after that I will only have to wear them at night and not during the day. They feel really weird on my teeth so it is something that will take me a long time to get used to it, but when my mouth gets used to having them in for a long then I won't even know that they're there. We thought that we was going to be there all morning but it turned out that it didn't take them all morning to do it, and we liked that a lot that it didn't take them as long to do it. So I will be constantly taking them on and off when I go to eat or brushing my teeth and I also will have to brush my retainers too. But other than that the rest of the day went just the way it went kinda of like yesterday for the afternoon and I was so glad to be able to take a nap. Because I thought I wasn't going to be able to take a nap at all for today and that I was going to be skipping it for the long appointment for them working on my teeth. I also just both me two new workout tops and a new pair of workout shorts, because I got three Amazon cards from all my ortho bucks and I won a brand new water bottle too from getting my braces off.