Listening to your body

So you may have seen me in the past talking about having abdominal pain due to some of my symptoms of IBS......well this morning was one of those days. It's very frustrating purely because I went a month with having little to no pain in my stomach and I felt great, healthy and strong but sometimes pain is inevitable and there's no way to predict the future.

Last night I started to experience my pain and it wasn't so great and I know one great way to help relieve the pain is to use a hot water bottle/heat pad. So whilst my pain was slowly being relieved I was then boiling hot from the heatwave.....oohhh the joys to pain :'D

Today I had a plan of doing a kickboxing & yoga infused workout but 1)I'm still a little sore and 2) even if I were not sore there is no reason as to why I'd have to push through a workout when I'm already suffering, it wouldn't be smart. Maybe later on in the day I could do some very gentle basic stretches but I'm not too sure just yet. I don't expect to do many workouts this week either. I'll probably be able to manage a light cardio workout later on in the week but it's okay if I can't.

I may only be able to do some yoga workouts for the rest of the week and that's okay! Yoga still improves some of my bodily functions such as flexibility and sometimes a toning benefit. Maybe instead of physical exercise I can focus on mental exercise through meditation.

What I wanted to say through this post is that it's totally fine to take a break every now and then and treat your body to what it needs. I think something that helps me is that I've created my own program until next month using FB videos so I can completely modify this week to suit my needs and flexibility is one of the main focuses so I am absolutly fine with this. Even if it wasn't apart of my program I would still be okay with it! Setbacks don't mean that you have failed, we have all the time in the world to focus on out fitness so there is no rush! Taking care of yourself physically means that there may also be some much needed rest and this is one of those weeks.

I hope this may have been able to help people and feel free to share what keeps you sane during a setback.
