Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Scaling back

Hi fellow fitness blenders

So finally after 2 years of forcing myself to workout through tiredness after a long day at work ir trying to fit it around more important things I have finally learnt I don't have to work out 5 days a week on top of loads of walking etc. 2 or even 3 days is probably enough and leave it at 45 minutes other than pushing through a whole hour or more. I'm not even worried about gaining weight as my hunger levels are lower now I'm not working out as much (although I will still eat to hunger levels) I suppose I can thank lockdown to this change of habbit as I needed something to show me I was doing way too much trying to burn over 1000 calories a day, this is so much stress on the body, plus I love spending more time with my partner. My usual week consisted of work 8am - 5pm get home after walking back at 5:30pm get straight into workout gear and workout for an hour (usually intense HIIT and strength training) shower at 6:30 dinner at 7pm bed by 10:30pm wake up at 6am andd start over again Mon - Fri this only left me with 3 and a half hours with my partner and my lovely pets. No more!!! Although I love working out and always will I now know to scale back. Unintentional late new years resolution haha.

Has anyone else experienced a similar thing? I would love to hear :)