Soooo, on june 1st I officialy returned to my part-time work as sales advisor at a shopping mall, here in Portugal.
Coronavirus seems to be cointained here, even tho we still have some recent hotspots in Lisbon (capital). I live in Porto - we are doing well here :)
During quarentine (started at march 17th), I did two FB Programs: FBBodyweight Round 2 and FBSweat. Being at home, I was able to workout 6 days/week with the last one being the recovery day. Sunday was my off day, but I usually did 15/20 minute stretching/yoga.
Last week I started FBFit Round 2 and I was dissapointed at myself.
I had to take 3 days off because of my work schedule and I felt guilty and sad for not being able to workout.
Working out was the thing that kept me sane and motivated during quarentine. I actually lost weight. I'm more toned and my Fitness Blender Fitness Test results were amazing: I improved on everything. I can even keep up with Kelly and Daniel on some workouts :)
I am proud of all my hard work and I know deep down that from now on I probably won't be able to workout like I did in march and april, but I'm kinda struggling adapting to this new routine.
How do you deal with this "guilt" of taking extra days off?
What strategies do you have now that life is slowly returning to normal?
Back to normal life after quarentine
Soooo, on june 1st I officialy returned to my part-time work as sales advisor at a shopping mall, here in Portugal.
Coronavirus seems to be cointained here, even tho we still have some recent hotspots in Lisbon (capital). I live in Porto - we are doing well here :)
During quarentine (started at march 17th), I did two FB Programs: FBBodyweight Round 2 and FBSweat. Being at home, I was able to workout 6 days/week with the last one being the recovery day. Sunday was my off day, but I usually did 15/20 minute stretching/yoga.
Last week I started FBFit Round 2 and I was dissapointed at myself.
I had to take 3 days off because of my work schedule and I felt guilty and sad for not being able to workout.
Working out was the thing that kept me sane and motivated during quarentine. I actually lost weight. I'm more toned and my Fitness Blender Fitness Test results were amazing: I improved on everything. I can even keep up with Kelly and Daniel on some workouts :)
I am proud of all my hard work and I know deep down that from now on I probably won't be able to workout like I did in march and april, but I'm kinda struggling adapting to this new routine.
How do you deal with this "guilt" of taking extra days off?
What strategies do you have now that life is slowly returning to normal?