Before online school started, I was working with a group of people on a project. They started talking about things like people's weights, abs, how much fat they have and so on. My fact checking health brain just lit up and I listened in to what they were saying. Boi was it a tough conversation to listen to.
Most of the stuff they said were normal(not normal, but I don't know what other word to use, stereotypical?) teenager things. They looked up models on clothing websites and even TikTok users to judge their bodies. I guess deep down I wasn't very surprised they would do that, but their attention to detail was what was disturbing. "She's too muscular" "her butt is too small" "why her legs are too skinny" "her thigh gap is too big" "who even likes thigh gaps" and a lot more was said. These derogatory comments are REASONS WHY many people hate their bodies. They were literally bashing people about their body no matter how fit they were. Those moments brought me back 3 years ago, when I was going through health struggles because of comments like that.
They then started discussing what weight they wanted to be at, and one person wanted to be at 80 lbs!!! That person is taller than me at around 5'6" and aged in the teenage years. I really wanted to pull that person aside and ask if they were okay, but I never got the chance too probably because I was literally in shock after these conversations. It really scared me at how people at such a young age are holding conversations like this as if they are normal.
Anonymous Story
Before online school started, I was working with a group of people on a project. They started talking about things like people's weights, abs, how much fat they have and so on. My fact checking health brain just lit up and I listened in to what they were saying. Boi was it a tough conversation to listen to.
Most of the stuff they said were normal(not normal, but I don't know what other word to use, stereotypical?) teenager things. They looked up models on clothing websites and even TikTok users to judge their bodies. I guess deep down I wasn't very surprised they would do that, but their attention to detail was what was disturbing. "She's too muscular" "her butt is too small" "why her legs are too skinny" "her thigh gap is too big" "who even likes thigh gaps" and a lot more was said. These derogatory comments are REASONS WHY many people hate their bodies. They were literally bashing people about their body no matter how fit they were. Those moments brought me back 3 years ago, when I was going through health struggles because of comments like that.
They then started discussing what weight they wanted to be at, and one person wanted to be at 80 lbs!!! That person is taller than me at around 5'6" and aged in the teenage years. I really wanted to pull that person aside and ask if they were okay, but I never got the chance too probably because I was literally in shock after these conversations. It really scared me at how people at such a young age are holding conversations like this as if they are normal.