Hey to the you all! It's Friday, so you know what that means!
...Actually I'm not sure what that means other than there is soon to be a weekend ghosted by Coby, so look forward to that to go with whatever weekend stuff you have planned.
But first, Friday! And all the delicious workouts and sweaty food that fills the day. I'm not working out today as I did the 1000 calorie workout for 5 mill subs yesterday and I'm total toast from that. Well, maybe I will try out the new foam rolling video, but other than that, nothing too strenuous.
But what's the motion you are doing today? Keep it safe, keep it fun, and always listen to your body.
Which actually brings me to Fitness Friday. I'm sure this has been talked about many times, maybe even as a Fitness Friday, but new faces always have fresh perspectives or time can shift a perspective. Anyway, the question is about listening to your body. How exactly do you do it? To me, it took some time and even with me having to pay attention, I still feel I miss what the body is trying to say. Sometimes I feel my body is a little kid demanding every toy and treat when I know it does not need it. Or how to know when the body is really saying rest and the brain is all like, "go go go and give me 20!" I feel as if it's almost like learning a language. You have to adjust and fine tune to your needs; learn to know yourself. I feel the brain has to sometimes be the judge. I feel the signals have to really be heard and evaluated. And if you are new to all this, well, how do you help someone listen to their body? Sure we can follow what experts say, stop when it hurts or run that extra mile; and that's all helpful with good doses of basic intuition and common sense, but what about when you have to fly solo? Anyway, maybe people can benefit from the answers you guys share.
Okay. Let's commercial break right quick with a sea of Elderflowers from an Elderberry. These shrubs have umbels of large, irregular creamy flower clusters, and because of that, sometimes get confused with Water Hemlock. Hemlock has smaller umbrella flower clusters that make up and are part of a larger umbrella if that makes sense. And that's just one key difference. Any confusion ever at all between plants, do NOT eat it. As a general rule, I like to be 100% certain. Just have to throw that caution out there. Anyway, I'm hoping for berries on this small tree as last year nothing happened other than flowers. You can only eat the berries when fully black and ripe.
Anyway, that's close enough to food, so what's your healthy choice(s) for today? Or how about some tasty treats? Simply and shortly put, it's pizza for me! Can't wait for all the homemade doughy goodness!
Okay, Blendies, I've done gave your eyes a mini workout with the reading for today, but extra credit those fingers and let me know your thoughts, how you are doing, and what plans the weekend holds. As always, thanks for being here and just bringing much life to these check-ins. I'll see you guys next month! ..Which is only like a few days from now😉 ..Okay, have a good one, or few!
Daily Check-in: Fitness Friday, May 29th
Hey to the you all! It's Friday, so you know what that means!
...Actually I'm not sure what that means other than there is soon to be a weekend ghosted by Coby, so look forward to that to go with whatever weekend stuff you have planned.
But first, Friday! And all the delicious workouts and sweaty food that fills the day. I'm not working out today as I did the 1000 calorie workout for 5 mill subs yesterday and I'm total toast from that. Well, maybe I will try out the new foam rolling video, but other than that, nothing too strenuous.
But what's the motion you are doing today? Keep it safe, keep it fun, and always listen to your body.
Which actually brings me to Fitness Friday. I'm sure this has been talked about many times, maybe even as a Fitness Friday, but new faces always have fresh perspectives or time can shift a perspective. Anyway, the question is about listening to your body. How exactly do you do it? To me, it took some time and even with me having to pay attention, I still feel I miss what the body is trying to say. Sometimes I feel my body is a little kid demanding every toy and treat when I know it does not need it. Or how to know when the body is really saying rest and the brain is all like, "go go go and give me 20!" I feel as if it's almost like learning a language. You have to adjust and fine tune to your needs; learn to know yourself. I feel the brain has to sometimes be the judge. I feel the signals have to really be heard and evaluated. And if you are new to all this, well, how do you help someone listen to their body? Sure we can follow what experts say, stop when it hurts or run that extra mile; and that's all helpful with good doses of basic intuition and common sense, but what about when you have to fly solo? Anyway, maybe people can benefit from the answers you guys share.
Okay. Let's commercial break right quick with a sea of Elderflowers from an Elderberry. These shrubs have umbels of large, irregular creamy flower clusters, and because of that, sometimes get confused with Water Hemlock. Hemlock has smaller umbrella flower clusters that make up and are part of a larger umbrella if that makes sense. And that's just one key difference. Any confusion ever at all between plants, do NOT eat it. As a general rule, I like to be 100% certain. Just have to throw that caution out there. Anyway, I'm hoping for berries on this small tree as last year nothing happened other than flowers. You can only eat the berries when fully black and ripe.
Anyway, that's close enough to food, so what's your healthy choice(s) for today? Or how about some tasty treats? Simply and shortly put, it's pizza for me! Can't wait for all the homemade doughy goodness!
Okay, Blendies, I've done gave your eyes a mini workout with the reading for today, but extra credit those fingers and let me know your thoughts, how you are doing, and what plans the weekend holds. As always, thanks for being here and just bringing much life to these check-ins. I'll see you guys next month! ..Which is only like a few days from now😉 ..Okay, have a good one, or few!