Suddenly fatigued, hungry and struggling with workouts?
Hey fellow blenders!
Rather different question today, but for the past few days (after finishing FB Strong) I’ve felt really fatigued, really hungry (which isn’t normal for me) and haven’t felt like doing any sort of intense workouts (Ex. longer than 45 mins/intense HIIT/Strength).
(For context, even before starting Strong I did strength 4-5 times a week, so it wasn’t that new. I also added 10-15 min burnout workouts onto the daily Strong workouts.)
So for the past week I’ve just been doing 20-30 min of lower intensity activities like yoga, walking 1-2 miles plus 10 min ab/booty/arm workouts.
I’ve taken 2 complete rest days as well during this week which is usually enough to get me right back into the game but I still feel sore, near insatiably hungry and tired. I attempted a kickboxing + strength workout with Daniel today and only made it through 30 mins before my body was too exhausted.
I’m curious if anyone else has had this happen and what they did/how long it took to go away? Did it happen after a lot of intense strength or hiit training or finishing an FB program?
I don’t really want to take a whole week off working out if it’s something I can push through, but I also don’t want to keep going if it’s just going to make things worse.
Sorry this got super long, whoops! Any advice is appreciated ~ :)
Suddenly fatigued, hungry and struggling with workouts?
Hey fellow blenders!
Rather different question today, but for the past few days (after finishing FB Strong) I’ve felt really fatigued, really hungry (which isn’t normal for me) and haven’t felt like doing any sort of intense workouts (Ex. longer than 45 mins/intense HIIT/Strength).
(For context, even before starting Strong I did strength 4-5 times a week, so it wasn’t that new. I also added 10-15 min burnout workouts onto the daily Strong workouts.)
So for the past week I’ve just been doing 20-30 min of lower intensity activities like yoga, walking 1-2 miles plus 10 min ab/booty/arm workouts.
I’ve taken 2 complete rest days as well during this week which is usually enough to get me right back into the game but I still feel sore, near insatiably hungry and tired. I attempted a kickboxing + strength workout with Daniel today and only made it through 30 mins before my body was too exhausted.
I’m curious if anyone else has had this happen and what they did/how long it took to go away? Did it happen after a lot of intense strength or hiit training or finishing an FB program?
I don’t really want to take a whole week off working out if it’s something I can push through, but I also don’t want to keep going if it’s just going to make things worse.
Sorry this got super long, whoops! Any advice is appreciated ~ :)