Hello FB community. I purchased the FB omnivore meal plan a while ago now and I never managed to finish the full four weeks. I really struggle to stick with clean eating; often because of temptations when I go out with friends and at the weekends. I love to have a drink and a takeaway. I also struggled with having the time to prep the lunches and to make them portable.
I workout regularly so nutrition is the area I need to focus on. I have been snacking, eating a lot of junk and drinking a lot since lockdown. I think this is due to stress of the situation. Anyone else feel the same? I am starting to feel the effects; I've gained a little weight, my acne-prone skin is breaking out and I feel sluggish. I figured there are no temptations when socialising at the moment and because I am working from home, I will have time to prepare everything fresh so I am going to give the plan another go. Wish me luck and any tips would be appreciated :)
Lockdown nutrition
Hello FB community. I purchased the FB omnivore meal plan a while ago now and I never managed to finish the full four weeks. I really struggle to stick with clean eating; often because of temptations when I go out with friends and at the weekends. I love to have a drink and a takeaway. I also struggled with having the time to prep the lunches and to make them portable.
I workout regularly so nutrition is the area I need to focus on. I have been snacking, eating a lot of junk and drinking a lot since lockdown. I think this is due to stress of the situation. Anyone else feel the same? I am starting to feel the effects; I've gained a little weight, my acne-prone skin is breaking out and I feel sluggish. I figured there are no temptations when socialising at the moment and because I am working from home, I will have time to prepare everything fresh so I am going to give the plan another go. Wish me luck and any tips would be appreciated :)