I'm currently on my last week of Strong. I really enjoyed this program and am seriously thinking of restarting this next week again. Has anyone tried doing Strong back to back? If so, did you enjoy it as much the second time?
My other options are FBFitR2 (but I'm not sure that I feel for all that HIIT right now) or Flex and Booty paired on the same day.
Strong back to back?
Hi There
I'm currently on my last week of Strong. I really enjoyed this program and am seriously thinking of restarting this next week again. Has anyone tried doing Strong back to back? If so, did you enjoy it as much the second time?
My other options are FBFitR2 (but I'm not sure that I feel for all that HIIT right now) or Flex and Booty paired on the same day.
Suggestions are welcome.
Thank you.