Weekend check-in: Sunday 19-4

Hello all my blenderbuddies! YAY, I am allowed to ghost again today! And today I actually know the date, not difficult really, I just looked at my FB calendar!

Now looking at your FB calendar: how does this Sunday find you? Any workouts planned? Restday? Active restday? Can be anything on a scale from sheer nothingness to intensive 1000 cal workouts, there is s lot in between!!! I went for a cycle ride (18k) along the seafront and a seaswim. I managed 25 mins in the water (still only 9 degrees), 750m swim.... I was mighty cold for a while afterwards, but the cycle ride warmed me up nicely. Might, I stress might, do some stretching later on or if I cannot sit still any longer a Nudgeblender workout, which is the latest, 45 min, kettlebell workout with Daniel, but if not, tomorrow is another day.

No nice smooth linking to the food section... sorry, just: what are your plans for food today? Hubby’s cooking here. He has planned beef with a veggie fry up. Sounds good enough to me. Mind you, anything cooked by someone other than me is always good!!! But tell me about your culinary wonders? What’s on the menu on this (for us) sunny and warm Sunday?

As to the pic: this is a pic of an American skunk cabbage, we saw this on our walk last week. It loves wet swampy terrain, and flowers in early spring. It has the unique quality that it can generate heat in itself and thus melt snow (if any) around itself and thus flower very early. The name.... well, it’s not a sweet smelling thing at all! But my, isn’t it gorgeous looking!!! Luckily you can see it here without any lingering nasty odours attached! Enjoy your Sunday and you’ll be pleased to read that our lovely Raven is back tomorrow!
