Posted in: FB Team / Giveaways

Results for Fitness Blender Giveaway – April 15, 2020

Fitness Blender Family,

Well, we have another Fitness Blender Giveaway under our belts.

As we always say (quite honestly), we absolutely love reading through your answers.

In fact, this week was even more encouraging than normal. We asked how your fitness routines have changed due to social distancing and were blown away by the positivity of our amazing Fitness Blender family (old and new!).

Seems like so many of you are seeing a silver lining to staying at home and are making fitness a priority right now. When it would be so easy to retreat and say things like, “oh, I’ll start working out again when things get back to normal,” you are taking the opposite approach. You blow us away, Fitness Blender family!

And we would be remiss, of course, not to mention all of our dedicated users on the front lines, helping all of us by continuing their essential duties in jobs we literally cannot live without. We cannot thank you enough.

Without further ado, our winners this week are:

Sonia C. P (fb-1031492)

Kiersti T (fb-960563)

Lemongrass (lemongrass)

Suzanne J (fb-1031325)

Thu L (thuvan2)

brianne y (bmyoung)

Congratulations! We really hope you enjoy your new Workout Programs.

Thanks again to everyone who participated. Stay safe, stay healthy everyone.

P.S. If you haven’t read through some of the responses to the week’s Giveaway, we’d encourage you to take a look...and be inspired by your fellow Fitness Blenders!

Fitness Blender Team