Mirror mirror on the wall, What should I eat after all?
Hi! I'm recently new in the Community (although I've been following Fitness Blender team for a while, on youtube) and I'm taking more seriously this fitness journey.
I need to come clean and be honest - I struggle with my relationship with food. I really don't like breakfast and snack times because I don't know what to eat. I'm always thinking that "I shouldn't be eating this" and thinking about calories. This makes me (sometimes) eat only lunch and dinner (with a snack in there somewhere if I'm in a good mood) because that way I know I'm not really eating more than I should.
Have you been there? Do you have any ideas on how to overcome this? What should I eat that gives me energy (I've had situations where my blood sugar was too low) but don't make me feel guilty about eating?
Do you have any breakfast ideas, that don't take long to make (I'm not in the place to wake up 1h earlier to make it, YET! :) )? And snacks? Before my workout, considering I normally lunch at 12 pm and have my dinner around 7 / 7:30 pm, and workout around 5ish pm?
Mirror mirror on the wall, What should I eat after all?
Hi! I'm recently new in the Community (although I've been following Fitness Blender team for a while, on youtube) and I'm taking more seriously this fitness journey.
I need to come clean and be honest - I struggle with my relationship with food. I really don't like breakfast and snack times because I don't know what to eat. I'm always thinking that "I shouldn't be eating this" and thinking about calories. This makes me (sometimes) eat only lunch and dinner (with a snack in there somewhere if I'm in a good mood) because that way I know I'm not really eating more than I should.
Have you been there? Do you have any ideas on how to overcome this? What should I eat that gives me energy (I've had situations where my blood sugar was too low) but don't make me feel guilty about eating?
Do you have any breakfast ideas, that don't take long to make (I'm not in the place to wake up 1h earlier to make it, YET! :) )? And snacks? Before my workout, considering I normally lunch at 12 pm and have my dinner around 7 / 7:30 pm, and workout around 5ish pm?