Daily Check-in: Tuesday, April 7th. #StayConnected Challenge, DAY TWO!

🎶It's the eye of the turtle; it's the gopher you need, sayin' let's stay connected FB familyyyyy🎶

^^That's as far as I got with that, lol.. Because I couldn't just say hello like a normal person. But enough of me butchering a perfectly good song. Let's get right to the stuff and things of your Tuesdays and tell me what is going on? How are your workouts treating you? I hope you are enjoying and getting the most out of them.

And if you are doing the #StayConnected challenge, how are you feeling after day one? Sore? Not that sore? Let. Me. Tell. You. My lower body is definitely the former. And I love it. Don't think I've been that kinda sore in a while, so I guess it is good that we are working the upper body today!!! Extra exclamations for those who love upper body days. Certainly not Kim, right?! 😜 ..Let's just take a look at what she's got for us on day two.

23 mintue Workout: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/upper-back-arms-and-chest-workout-23-min-tabata-upper-body-workout

13 minute cooldown: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/cool-down-workout-cool-down-stretching-routine

18 minute extra credit: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/at-home-upper-body-workout-quick-upper-body-strength-without-weights

^ This looks like it's going to be upper body murder right there, hehe. But we do have a longer cool down to look forward to. Just keep in mind that if something is too difficult, everything is optional and modifyable (not sure that's a word, but I'm going with it) because it's always encouraged to make this challenge work for you. So workout accordingly and have fun!

To see the full line up and learn more about #StayConnected go here: https://www.fitnessblender.com/community/discussion/18306/official-stayconnected-community-challenge-schedule

And do tell what are we eating today? Keeping it quick and delicious or something a little more time consuming and delicious? Notice the delicious stays no matter the time involved with preparation. The nutrition is hiding in there somewhere as well.. I think I'll be on the quick side and have sandwiches. That sounds pretty good. One of these days I'll actually put a plan together other than pizza on Friday. That's usually guaranteed 😂 ..but do give us a watering of the mouth and share the food!

Okay, I think it's time to exit like a turtle and get on out of here. Not exactly sure how that's achieved, but if you are looking for some of my classic bend and twist until it fits flavor of motivation, look no further than the slow and steady progress of a gopher tortoise. They've got these rest break things down pat, so that goes for if you need a rest, take it. One way or another you will get to where you need to go.

Okay, with all that, have a great day, everyone!
