How much exercise per day?

Hey FB Family! How's everyone doing?!

so, thanks to the coronavirus outbreak. I'm stuck at home with an online school. Online school basically means that you lead a very sedentary lifestyle and you have less school and less homework overall. My genius plan was to use this as an opportunity to up my fitness. I'm also in the swim team (if you didn't know already judging by every single discussion I've ever opened being mainly about swimming) but thanks to (you guessed it) COVID19, we don't have any more training, which basically means that I'm trying to keep my training afloat by myself. So my absolutely mind-blowing plan was to up the amount of workout I do but not by miles. So I went from doing 1 hour of working out to 1 and a half-hour since I was already leading a very sedentary lifestyle and I felt like I had the time so why not? The advanced portion of my swim team do it, and I'm just one level below them. The way this worked out (get it?) was that I would work out my entire body every day for 5 days with 1 day of stretching and one full rest day. The only thing I'm afraid of is overtraining. I don't do one and a half-hour of just straight work out, I do two workouts in a day, both of which are 40 - 45 minutes long. I'll do one in the morning and one in the evening. And I'll also change it every day, for example, in the morning I'll do upper body one day and lower body in the evening then I'll switch it up the next day. Nothing too much has changed for the past week (I've been doing it for a week), but I do feel a little more sore than usual, otherwise, my balance is doing great and my upper body strength is improving, etc. I'm not sure if I'm overtraining, because other than the workouts I am doing, I am extremely sedentary throughout the day, and don't go outside at all. I also think that this may go away after 1-2 weeks as I have just started working out more than usual.

Please let me know if anyone has any advice:)

