HKS Accountability Group March 4

Good morning! It's Day 4! I just finished my practice... So last night, it was like the events of the evening blew a big old hole through my calm. I don't know why, looking back on it now, that I let it get to me so badly.

For my part time job (that I only actually do on Thursday), I have a prep that I do (usually Tuesdays). It isn't long, it only takes about an hour and it's just some data entry. So Monday, I did alllll these errands so that all I would have to do last night is leave work at 430, go home, do this prep, and have the rest of the evening to myself.

That got blown right out. This potential client dropped in 15 minutes before close and... you know, I don't care about about the close, so much, everyone has a work day and this was when he could come in. So myself and my boss were touring him around the showroom, explaining our products, etc. This went on for about an hour.

I left work and in no traffic, it takes me 20 minutes to drive home... Last night? It took over an hour. Just crawling at 5km/hr. There was no accident. Just lots of people.

So by the time I got in, I was just like, "I'm so done with this!" I didn't do my prep, I just binged out on junk food (moderately... I actually don't keep junkfood in the house anymore, because I'm bad for this - so as far as "binges" go, I just ate like a handful of garden veggie chips lol) and watched Survivor. My energy was so bad, my cockatiel didn't want anything to do with me. I tried to say hi and she just beaked at me like, "Don't you bring that bad juju over here, get back on your side of the apartment."

I don't know why I let this get to me... like worse things could happen to a person, but I just felt like I tried so hard to set myself up and things out of my control just nuked it. This also led to a fitful sleep... Survivor style dreams, lol. I woke up at 3:30 (not intentionally). My phone beeped and yet... It was on DND and also there was no notification. I probably dreamed the beep, but the dream beep woke me up. I've been up since then.

I got my report and the yoga in. I need to try to put together a quick and healthy lunch, so we're going to go get that done pronto, but I just needed to vennnnt!

By the way, I do feel a lot calmer after today's practice, but it was a short one today (22 mins) and it almost feels like it didn't happen (my legs disagree, there was a lot of static squats and lunges in today's exercise).