Daily Check-in: Wednesday, March 4th

Heylo to all you beautiful blendfriends! We are middle weeking and crusing right along here, are we not? How is everyone feeling at this point in time? I hope things are going as good as can be for you. And if you find yourself in a ditch, go ahead and find a flower. This can be metaphorical, but turns to be quite literal for me as I, infact, stood in a ditch and took a pic of this Wand or Twiggy Mullien. Dropping these names like flower petals guys. Nothing really to say about these except they are commonly found on roadsides around here. The plant can get about 3 feet tall and have a tower of quarter to half dollar sized flowers. This one here only has a few open, but still very showy and just a lovely color! Aren't all flowers full of lovely colors though? In one form or another, I think so.

Now, onto the good stuff. The possibly fun stuff. The workout stuff. How is that happening for you today? Or maybe you got the rest stuff going on. That's perfectly fine too. Rest is all part of a healthy life. I'm going into day 3 of the mini plus challenge with a HIIT & core: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/hiit-cardio-and-core-workout-no-equipment-hiit-and-abs-high-low-impact-mods

In doing Abs2 again recently, I cemented the fact that I love HIIT and core workouts, so I'm really really looking foward to getting my workout complete with K&D! And I hope that whatever workouts or rest you are doing, it will be something looked foward too!

Now, onto the yummy thing. The tasty thing. The food thing. What is going down that throat of yours? Because that didn't sound weird at all. I'm kinda at a dinner loss. So it might be sandwiches and veggies. A veggie sandwhich? Okay! That might work for today. But whatever you are chowing on, make it edible! Because real food can and just needs to taste good.

Alright, I'll keep the ending short and sweet today. I hope you all have/had/having a great day. And whatever is going on, try and be the best version of yourselves today, whatever that might look like.