Planning for upcoming surgery - what to do about program?

After being on a waiting list for more than a year, I’ve learned that I’ll be having sinus surgery in 4 to 6 weeks (I have to decide between March 31, April 7 and April 14 as my surgery dates - I’m leaning toward March 31 right now). From what I’ve read, strenuous exercise isn’t recommended for at least 2 weeks after surgery, possibly longer depending on individual recovery needs (for example, it takes many people 3-4 weeks to begin running again after the surgery).

I’m about to start week 2 of FB30 round 3, which I believe is 8 weeks. Assuming I stay on track, if March 31 is my surgery date I will be finish week 6. I’m worried about having to start from the beginning again after a 2 to 3-week layoff.

I could do another 4-week program between now and the end of March. I think that would likely be Burn or Sweat focusing on the 30-minute workouts and not the 51-minute workouts, as I’ve been finding I haven’t had enough time in the morning lately to do longer workouts, which is why I started up with FB 30.

Thoughts? I want to keep exercising and getting fitter in the lead-up to surgery - but also want to prepare for setbacks during recovery.