Workout complete & School Day

I completed my workout and extra credit for today. It was a lower body workout with Kellie and Daniel and the workout was mainly targeting the legs, the back, the butt, and the abs. It was so hard to do that I was wore out after the workout and I was ready for the cool-down. I had a lot of work to do at school today. I think that the most amount of work that I had to do was either in my English 2 class or in my ICT Foundations class one of the two classes. It was really busy in all of my classes today, but once lunch came around I was happy because, I was able to hang out with all of my friends from the group that we have every day at lunch. We always do something different every day it depends on what we are in the mood to play for the whole 31 minutes. But other than that I am just glad that I am able to see my friends every day at school. Because they are always in a good mood and that's the mood you should be in at school, even if you are not showing it to anyone. I will be going to my Dad's tomorrow so I will not be able to talk to my online friends until next Friday. I hope that everyone has a good weekend and week and I will see you all next Friday.