Fb Blend Day 10 Check In + Update + Advice for appetite?

Today's check in challenge asked where we're from. I'm just from midwest America, but I'm ethnically Indian :)


This week was ROUGH. Motivating myself to work out was difficult every day this week so far. And then yesterday, I was hit with some bad news regarding one of my cat's health. I was hurt and felt like a bad cat mom even though none of it was my fault. I completely lost my appetite or the motivation to do anything. But I knew that not taking care of myself isn't going to solve anything. Although it wasn't the healthiest meal, I ate a package of popcorn chik'n from Morning Star (vegan popcorn chicken) because it was the only thing I had an appetite for and I knew eating that was better than eating nothing. And I did get myself to work out eventually. At the end of the day, I felt much better about the situation and also proud I pushed myself to take care of myself.

The cats I have now are my very first pets and they mean more than the world to me. They're still fairly young so I didn't expect anything to happen to them until they were older, so hearing the news I did took me by surprise and it was a new situation for me to process. In the end, I'm happy that we at least know about her health now vs. before it got too late. Right now, she's back from the vet and super happy to be back home. She was still wearing off of sedatives when she got back and was so loopy. It was kinda funny to watch and her silliness definitely helped me feel better, too. She acts like she's not sick at all!


I would like to know, though, how any of you take care of yourself after bad news. How do you motivate yourself to do anything, especially eat, when you're overwhelmed with grief and emotions. How do you get your appetite back? What recipes are your go to when you've lost your appetite?

Thank you in advance.

P.S. Morning Star's Popcorn Chik'n is delicious.