I screwed up with Burn round 2....

I am SO annoyed with myself. I never thought to click on February and thought I only had two workouts left to complete Burn2. This week Sunday and Wednesday I wasn't able to do the workouts but I thought no biggie, I will still finish on Friday. But nope! Today the calendar shows February (seriously, already??) with a third workout I never planned on. It never fails, the last week of ANY program I start, things come up that take priority over working out so I never finish the last few days. I'm getting my back tattoo worked on for four hours Saturday morning so no exercise until next Thursday at the earliest. So I have to leave the very last day as incomplete. That drives me nuts lol! I'm planning on doing mass when I'm healed so I'll have no choice but do burn 2 again ;) My non-exercise friends think I'm crazy for these thoughts....What will really annoy me is five days of no exercise but I know from the last break I had to take it is actually a good thing. I always feel super energetic after. I'll still get my puppy walks in so I'm getting some exercise!