Greetings there fellow Blender Buddies, and happy last day of 2019 to you! Can you believe we are already sitting here on the last day of year? A new year is just around the corner! Or for some of you, it's nearly already here! ..But I'm not here to debate the speed of time; there is no time to talk about time, rather let's focus on the present. The gift of now.
So what is happening now? What is going on today? What workouts are we closing out the year with? Going out like a bang or maybe a little sparkler? One or the other or rest; it's all good depending on how you're feeling.. Yesterday's long HIIT session has me way more sore than I expected. So, rest day it is. Tomorrow is a new story.
Gosh, the very next paragraph after telling everyone to focus on the now, and I'm already thinking about tomorrow..Guess I should speak for myself. See how hard it is to stay present? At least for me it is! 😂
Okay, let's at least stay in a 24 hour window and give me all the grammatical tenses of today and share what you are digging into regarding all the food! I'm thinking about grilled food today. And later on we are going to have a bonfire to ring in the new year, which has nothing to do with food, but we invited marshmallows and now it belongs in this paragraph. But what will be your last meal of 2019?
From berries to candles, it makes for a fitting #TransformationTuesday as we are also going from one year and into another. And to have it all come together and connect past, present and future; I've used berries that ripened in the past to make the candle I will light now to bring us good luck and prosperity for the future..because it can never hurt to have plenty of that! ..So this candle will be lit for you, FB Fam, and as it burns and melts its waxy ways into the new year, I very much hope that you have a great 2020. And then by the years end next year at this time, hindsight really will be 2020.
The takeaway from all this is that maybe what we can learn from the past, we can apply to the present, so as to make for a brighter future.
So however way you want to ring in the new year, I hope you have a safe and fun time. The candle says the rest.
Daily Check-in: Tuesday, December 31st
Greetings there fellow Blender Buddies, and happy last day of 2019 to you! Can you believe we are already sitting here on the last day of year? A new year is just around the corner! Or for some of you, it's nearly already here! ..But I'm not here to debate the speed of time; there is no time to talk about time, rather let's focus on the present. The gift of now.
So what is happening now? What is going on today? What workouts are we closing out the year with? Going out like a bang or maybe a little sparkler? One or the other or rest; it's all good depending on how you're feeling.. Yesterday's long HIIT session has me way more sore than I expected. So, rest day it is. Tomorrow is a new story.
Gosh, the very next paragraph after telling everyone to focus on the now, and I'm already thinking about tomorrow..Guess I should speak for myself. See how hard it is to stay present? At least for me it is! 😂
Okay, let's at least stay in a 24 hour window and give me all the grammatical tenses of today and share what you are digging into regarding all the food! I'm thinking about grilled food today. And later on we are going to have a bonfire to ring in the new year, which has nothing to do with food, but we invited marshmallows and now it belongs in this paragraph. But what will be your last meal of 2019?
Now let me end the last check-in of 2019 with talking about the picture. It's a little bit of a before and after. We got the before Bayberries from a Southern Wax Myrtle tree and the bayberry candle that can come after. (Need a little backstory? Read an older check-in of mine:
From berries to candles, it makes for a fitting #TransformationTuesday as we are also going from one year and into another. And to have it all come together and connect past, present and future; I've used berries that ripened in the past to make the candle I will light now to bring us good luck and prosperity for the future..because it can never hurt to have plenty of that! ..So this candle will be lit for you, FB Fam, and as it burns and melts its waxy ways into the new year, I very much hope that you have a great 2020. And then by the years end next year at this time, hindsight really will be 2020.
The takeaway from all this is that maybe what we can learn from the past, we can apply to the present, so as to make for a brighter future.
So however way you want to ring in the new year, I hope you have a safe and fun time. The candle says the rest.