Weekend Check-in: Saturday, November 16th & Sunday, November 17th
Well, here we are! Face to face with yet another potentially great weekend! It's amazing how often this weekend thing comes around, showing up every week like clockwork. Time is just so predictable.
Also happening like clockwork, here is a flower from one of my older pear trees. They bloom twice a year, like, well, clockwork. The blooming they do around this time of year though is not as much nor as fruitful like the blooming in the spring, but nevertheless, they feel like a little blooming and the flowers are pretty so it makes for a nice picture to share with you all!
Speaking of you all, how are you guys? How are you feeling? Are there any workouts or rest you are looking forward to doing? Or maybe shake it up and take up nature's standing offer on a relaxing walk or hike if you can! Whatever be the case, always do what feels good to you. I'm keeping it light and easy this weekend. Option #3 of the throwback challenge kicked my butt in the best/worst way, so no workouts for me! Body's orders.
Really can't say the same about food though. Always gotta have all the food, right? So, what are we recharging our batteries with this weekend? I need to go to the store and stock up on some things, but cooler days do indeed call for more comforting soups, so I'm thinking a cream of mushroom soup and a side of biscuits for one of these dinners. That sounds really good to me and it's good to have a little bit of a plan for once! It could change though; just saying, lol ..But what's on your menu, blenders? Let's hear it for all the food! Chomp chomp! Or maybe, slurp slurp? 😂
Alright! There is a weekend with your name on it. So let's Frank Sinatra this thing and do the weekend to the tune of, "My Way" ...which is really infact, your way. And for best results, you really should do the weekend your way, but the Sinatra song is called, "My Way" ...I mean, I guess you could do the weekend my way if you wanted, but that doesn't make much sense if you think about it ...Eh, nevermind; the punchline always gets lost, lol..
Hah. One of these times, I will simply just wish you guys a nice weekend and leave it right there... But where's the fun in that?😉
Weekend Check-in: Saturday, November 16th & Sunday, November 17th
Well, here we are! Face to face with yet another potentially great weekend! It's amazing how often this weekend thing comes around, showing up every week like clockwork. Time is just so predictable.
Also happening like clockwork, here is a flower from one of my older pear trees. They bloom twice a year, like, well, clockwork. The blooming they do around this time of year though is not as much nor as fruitful like the blooming in the spring, but nevertheless, they feel like a little blooming and the flowers are pretty so it makes for a nice picture to share with you all!
Speaking of you all, how are you guys? How are you feeling? Are there any workouts or rest you are looking forward to doing? Or maybe shake it up and take up nature's standing offer on a relaxing walk or hike if you can! Whatever be the case, always do what feels good to you. I'm keeping it light and easy this weekend. Option #3 of the throwback challenge kicked my butt in the best/worst way, so no workouts for me! Body's orders.
Really can't say the same about food though. Always gotta have all the food, right? So, what are we recharging our batteries with this weekend? I need to go to the store and stock up on some things, but cooler days do indeed call for more comforting soups, so I'm thinking a cream of mushroom soup and a side of biscuits for one of these dinners. That sounds really good to me and it's good to have a little bit of a plan for once! It could change though; just saying, lol ..But what's on your menu, blenders? Let's hear it for all the food! Chomp chomp! Or maybe, slurp slurp? 😂
Alright! There is a weekend with your name on it. So let's Frank Sinatra this thing and do the weekend to the tune of, "My Way" ...which is really infact, your way. And for best results, you really should do the weekend your way, but the Sinatra song is called, "My Way" ...I mean, I guess you could do the weekend my way if you wanted, but that doesn't make much sense if you think about it ...Eh, nevermind; the punchline always gets lost, lol..
Hah. One of these times, I will simply just wish you guys a nice weekend and leave it right there... But where's the fun in that?😉