Hello again, FB family!👋🏻

Hello, hello, FB family!

My goodness, it’s been a while! Y’all still remember me? I bet you’re like, “Um... Callie, who?”😂😜

Where to even start... I guess I’ll try to remember where I left off and try to make this quick - haha!

So earlier this summer, I was going to take a break for about a month or two but I think it turned into like four or five! Life has been so full with all sorts stuff. Work, commitments, new activities, friends, family, etc. A little bit of everything. Some highs and lows personally, good days and bad days, lots of changes and lots of the same... you know... LIFE!😆 Sometimes a bit stressful, but mostly fun and exciting. I actually like planning things and keeping busy. It’s been a bit crazy at times, but overall a great and fun summer/early fall.

I’ve also been keeping up with my programs, workouts, and taking some occasional needed breaks. I did Sweat back in June (which I LOVED, by the way! I think it’s one of my favorite programs!) I then did XT throughout July and August, which was perfect because I was super busy and only had about 3 days a week to workout. I kinda free styled through September, and then in October I did some challenges I hadn’t done before/missed out on in the past. I did K&D’s jumpstart challenge, Kim’s kick a$$ R2 challenge, and Raven’s JUMP! challenge. I planned on doing the Strong and Lean challenge, but I felt like I needed a break so I took a week off. I enjoyed all the challenges, and I really liked switching things up with all the jump roping in Raven’s challenge! My calves are kind of weak, or at least not very muscular, so I enjoyed focusing on them a bit more and I saw some more definition in them afterwards! Plus, the jump roping was just fun! Reminded me of childhood days - haha! Thank y’all for the challenges, ladies, and Kelli and Daniel!

Now I’ve decided to start off November by doing Kim’s throwback challenge with y’all! I planned on starting Mass but then I saw that y’all were doing another challenge together, so I thought what better way to come back to the forums then to join in on a community challenge! So Day 1 of the FB Throwback Challenge Complete! It was my first time doing that kickboxing workout and I really enjoyed it! I’ve wanted a kickboxing routine with more kicking in it for a while now, and I didn’t even realize there was this one! I liked how it had the mix of “kicking” and “boxing.”👊🏻🦵🏻 It was fun! I also really liked that calf workout from Raven’s jump challenge, so I enjoyed the good calf burnout at the end. I hope I can do Day 2 tomorrow. I already feel some soreness coming on.😏

So how’s everyone doing here? I’ve hardly had time to read posts and keep up with what’s going on here in the community and with FB, much less check in and post myself. I have read things here and there, though, and I can see that there are new faces here in the community and all sorts of fun and exciting stuff happening! Congratulations to Daniel and Kelli on their launch of FB Plus!🎉👏🏻 I’m so excited and happy for you two and for all of us! It’s really cool to see how FB is changing and improving and to get to be apart of it! Thank you for letting us share in that process, Daniel and Kelli! I hope our input has been helpful! It was kind of funny because I didn’t understand that there was this early access period to FB Plus. I thought it was just a discounted price period, so when I signed in the other day I was surprised to see I had FB Plus on here. I was like, “Wait, what?! I haven’t bought the membership yet!” Then I realized there was an early access period - lol!🤦🏼‍♀️😆

So how are you all doing? Anything new and exciting? Can you believe it’s already November?! I can’t believe how fast time is going! I mean, I’m going to be 22 in 20 days!😱 Aahhh! I can’t believe that and I don’t know if I like it very much...😂

Speaking of things I don’t like, I don’t like time changes. They get me all out of whack. The only thing I like better about when daylight saving time ends is that I get an extra hour, but I don’t like how early it gets dark.🙄 I wish it could just stay one time all year -haha. But I do love the fall season, and speaking of fall, I made some pumpkin bread the other day which reminded me of you guys. Maybe we can make some together again sometime!😊

Oh! I also have something really exciting to share with y’all soon! (At least it’s exciting for me - haha!) I’d tell you now but I want to share a picture and it would kind of spoil it being at the top of this post.😉😄

Anyway, sorry for this long, random, all-over-the-place post. I’m sorry for such a long absence and I hope I didn’t worry anyone. I probably still won’t be super active here in the community, but I’ll try to check in more often. I just wanted to let y’all know that I’m doing and feeling well, and enjoying living life to the fullest! I’m beyond blessed!💗 I hope this finds you all well, too!

Love, Callie💙
