Daily Check-In: Fitness Friday, October 11th

Well look what we've got here! A big fat juicy Friday, right in the palms of our hands, very much like this Chestnut that's busting out of it's tough, spiney armored husk. Someone's ready for the weekened.^^

This chestnut came from trees that my family and I planted almost six years ago! There is only like a total of 15 or so chestnuts on just one of my trees, but to see this one chestnut gives me great joy! It's like the start of exciting things to come! To start reaping the benefits of growing your own food. What a feeling!

I never had fresh chestnuts before, but that one right there was quite tasty! This one pictured was the first; I've since saved a couple more that fell!

And there I went talking about food, so we just need to go ahead and talk about more food right now and get the Friday juices flowing. I'm going to be very much enjoying pizza later on today. Yay! It's always something I really look forward to making and eating on Friday! But what serves you today? Bring on the endless entries of Entrées! Or I could just ask: What's for dinner? But I'm having too much fun, lol..

Alright, so food filled dreams aside, what's on the workout docket for today? Is Friday your day to sweat or maybe go for something lighter? Are we getting sore today? That's my goal! ..I've been wanting to try this specific tabata routine for the lower body: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/lower-body-toning-workout-56-minute-butt-and-thigh-tabata-workout

Basically trying to make sure I can't walk for the weekend, lol. But I'm very much looking forward to lifting all the heavy things. I hope you do something that will match or lift your Friday mood.

Okay, and now since Friday is for all the fun stuff, how about instead of having a #FoodieFriday or #FitnessFriday, let's have a #FoodieFitnessFriday?

Yeah...how does that work exactly?

It's pretty simple. Basically the question for your Friday applies both to workout and food. And it goes like this:

What workouts/food have you done/eaten in the past that you really did not like all that much, but maybe now you do like or actually enjoy? ..You can even turn the question around and maybe find workouts/ food that you did enjoy and now maybe don't like it all that much nowadays.

You can answer the question for workouts, or food, or both! Choose however you want to do it! A have it your way kinda question on this Friday...For me I used to be a picky eater and not like some things like eggplant, oatmeal, leafy salads, or eggs. But now I truly can say that I enjoy them, crave them actually! I don't know if my palate just naturally changed over time with eating more real food or if I just found different ways to eat them. Probably both played a factor. And I'm no longer as picky. I'll eat just about anything now; within reason, lol

..For workouts, I'm liking the flexibility and stretching kind more and more. At first I considered them so boring and a waste of time and not a true workout. It's hard a lot of the times for my mind to really slow down and move with that intention and mind body connection. Now every time I do one of those workouts it's a chance to work on that and I certainly don't feel it's a waste of time!

Anyway, thanks for reading all of that, and I hope you enjoy partaking in the check-in today. I don't have much more to say, because I already dished out quite an eye-full! ...So for now, hang in there, my friends! We are on the cusp of the weekend! But first; let's do Friday up right!