This morning I enjoyed a nice foggy walk with Loki. Just 1 mile, it was so cold! I might try to take him out again later, once I’m not in danger of losing toes & fingers (I might be slightly exaggerating).
Next, I moved onto a lower body strength/Pilates blend. I set a goal for myself last week, lasting through January 2020, to fit in four strength training sessions a week. I have chosen this goal for myself because I know that strength training makes me feel amazing (mentally & physically), and that it also can help with pain management. For the long laundry reasons of health benefits, and because I love it so much, I’m going to make it my main focus over the next few months.
I have selected a relatively aggressive goal of four sessions a week because I’m never lifting terribly heavy. Generally speaking, I don’t train the same body part or muscle group while it’s still sore from the last session. I’ll be listening to my body all throughout and of course I’ll be willing to adjust as I might need to...after all, I will be filming veeery very soon. PS More on filming & new workout releases coming later this week 😉
Feel free to join me in my goal leading up to New Year’s if you like! Even if you don’t have the same goal. Why wait till New Year’s to set something out to achieve? I figured; that’s three whole months that I could be using to my advantage, doing what I can so that three months from now, I will feel even better than I do now. ➡️ Why wait to start on something thats going to improve my life?
Walk + Workout /Goals
This morning I enjoyed a nice foggy walk with Loki. Just 1 mile, it was so cold! I might try to take him out again later, once I’m not in danger of losing toes & fingers (I might be slightly exaggerating).
Next, I moved onto a lower body strength/Pilates blend. I set a goal for myself last week, lasting through January 2020, to fit in four strength training sessions a week. I have chosen this goal for myself because I know that strength training makes me feel amazing (mentally & physically), and that it also can help with pain management. For the long laundry reasons of health benefits, and because I love it so much, I’m going to make it my main focus over the next few months.
I have selected a relatively aggressive goal of four sessions a week because I’m never lifting terribly heavy. Generally speaking, I don’t train the same body part or muscle group while it’s still sore from the last session. I’ll be listening to my body all throughout and of course I’ll be willing to adjust as I might need to...after all, I will be filming veeery very soon. PS More on filming & new workout releases coming later this week 😉
Feel free to join me in my goal leading up to New Year’s if you like! Even if you don’t have the same goal. Why wait till New Year’s to set something out to achieve? I figured; that’s three whole months that I could be using to my advantage, doing what I can so that three months from now, I will feel even better than I do now. ➡️ Why wait to start on something thats going to improve my life?
Have a good day!