Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk


Hello everybody!

My name is Caterina and I am 22. During the past years my weight has always had the "yo-yo effect"

I am currently 63kg for about 168cm. I don't consider myself as fat even if lately going back to Milan where everyone is super skinny I feel a little awkward.

Exactly at this time last year I had just moved to Spain (1 year abroad study) and I my weight dropped at 57/58.

I noticed that for example when I travel my weight drops even if I don't eat very healthy food (at home I am used to eat clean)

Actually (I don't know if that even makes sense) I notice myself losing weight when "I'm happy". For example last year when I moved to Spain I was in a really good place with myself and - even if my eating was not so clean (also I was drinking so much more that now!) - my weight "magically" dropped in very few days.

I also struggle with the consistency in the workouts. For some periods I go running almost everyday (5/6 km) and in other periods I prefer pilates. Now I am mixing this HIIT work out ( to another 20 mins exercises for abs and legs.

I am now back home in Italy and I am doing this almost 2/3/4 times per week for about one month and I see no results. Actually my overall fitness level seems to me worse.

I've always ate in a pretty clean way (Mediterranean diet) but I am always "chubby"

Do you think that the "happiness" factor is only something in my mind? What could I do to improve my consistency and finally see results?

My goal would be losing 6/7 kg and keep them off - also improve my fitness level and fell more strong.

Since a couple of days I started with Keto diet and intermitted fasting and I actually feel no energy to workout.

Any suggestions/ thoughts ?
