
Fine, meniscus...you wanna go and get all uppity and give me problems? Well, we’ll see about that.

We don’t need you anymore. You’re outta here!

#meniscectomy (partial)

So, I’m happy to report that the knee surgery went well this morning and that I’m resting at home, being fed and otherwise spoiled rotten by #chefinthemaking (even more than normal).

Long(ish) PT road ahead, of course, but I’m ready.

Fitness Blender family — check.

Listen to your body — will do.

Do what you can —understood.

Talk to your doctor — absolutely.

Find a good PT — done.

Hope everyone’s week is off to a good start. I wouldn’t normally think a day that began at 4:15 am and included knee surgery would be a good start to the week, but is certainly has been so far!


P.S. Nurses and doctors “really” like it when you start asking them absurd coming-out-of-anesthesia questions when you haven’t actually been given anesthesia yet. My poor, long-suffering just sat in the corner and shook her head — they weren’t ready for #AndrewComplete

P.P.S. No idea why they made me wear that “fancy” surgical hat when I have no hair on my head, but a grizzly bear on my face.